West Saint Mark Bible College and Seminary

Biblical Studiesding Earn a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies as you gain in-depth knowledge about the Bible as well as the skills to interpret the Bible responsibly, and to communicate the nature of God’s Word to others.   120 credit hours Online/Practicum    Professional Developement To help managers become the leaders your Church need, we have developed a complete curriculum of leadership training and professional development courses to address the most pressing needs of Church Administraters and officers. Whether you are a new or experienced manager, WSMBCS curriculum of competency-based professional development, management, and leadership training courses will strengthen your ability meat the demands of the contemporary church.   TheologyHeading Building on the core elements of biblical and theological knowledge the Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies emphasizes the depth and breadth of Christian theology historically and in the contemporary world.  120 credit hours Online/Practicum    Personal Growth Choose from a comprehensive list of blended personal individualized training options, including  personal development courses on critical thinking, public speaking, time management, communication skill, technology, and Bible Study courses tailored to enhance your physical and spiritual growth.  MinistryHeading The BMin is ideal for students who want to effectively communicate the Gospel to their church, local community and the World. The BMin builds on the biblical and theological training in preparation for work in multicultural ministry.  36 credit hours Online/Mission    General Education     Core
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919-883-1146 or 910-578-6308